Hybrid vehicle Project 807

New release 2019/07/03 Attention A corporate name, the brand name, and the design logo that has been described are the trademarks or registered trademarks of each company. Biological Process System Technology Taiwan copyright(C)All rights reserved 2019.

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Metal FDM Project 802

New release 2019/07/03 Project condition in company. Fig No,01 Test model Fig No,02 Test model for horizon stress Fig No,03 Test model for winding stress Fig No,04 Test model for vertical stress Fig No,05 Test model for building construction Fig No,06 Application model will be must near of own spas Fig No,07 Molding block on […]

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Z axis drive by low energy consumption Project 810

New release 2019/07/02 Fig No,01 Looking energy by single pulse Fig No,02 Looking energy by multi pulse Fig No,03 Looking energy by step motor coil Fig No,04 Looking energy by Step motor control circuit design When design of 3Dprinter then we need to think green energy concept. We need to separate of energy consumption by […]

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Step filament by plastic and metal

New release 2019/07/02 Step filament by plastic and metal ( show the function and material by color ) We are announce of color metal in 2019.05.16 ( Fig No,01 ). After we was challenge of finish style of Sn. Then we can make more pure white color. When commerce then we need same design and […]

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Heat method for 3D Metal Gun Project 803

New release 2019/07/02 Many type of product is sales in market for heat of material. Most interest of product is soldering Gun and Glue Gun. We are visit all electro tool shop in Hong Kong and check of function and price. We are focus for 3 type heater parts for our project use. First one […]

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Dry SLA Project 809

New release 2019/07/01 How to check film in here or not?. We are set white light on tool. If you can look white chip then film is there. Attention A corporate name, the brand name, and the design logo that has been described are the trademarks or registered trademarks of each company. Biological Process System […]

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Stand alone to network by 5G Project 815

New release 2019/07/01 Fig No,00 New metal 3Dgun Fig No,01 New metal 3Dgun with battery drive Fig No,02 Power supply graph of New metal 3Dgun with battery drive STEP ! is low energy consumption by each one terminal Attention A corporate name, the brand name, and the design logo that has been described are the […]

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Drawing of photo polymer spec Project 805

New release 2019/07/01 Extra virgin olive oil is market standard name and controlled by production society. Fig No,01 is show the material name and share in oil. Fig No,01 Palmitic acid and Stearic acid is saturated acid. Develop technically feasible methods while fulfilling the above conditions. We will examine the chemical composition of olive oil […]

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Approach from Macro and Micro Project 800

New release 2019/07/01 Fig No,01 “ Carbon free society “ is not enough for us. We need to change target for “ Energy free society “ now. Fig No,02 For that purpose, it is necessary to exchange information and control by 5G network from a global standpoint. Attention A corporate name, the brand name, and […]

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Solid SLA Project 813

New release 2019/06/26 Market trend of technology We will support development for regenerative medicine according to customer’s request. We cover a complete set of systems from development proposals to distribution. Please contact us for the specific correspondence to the following mail.   Attention A corporate name, the brand name, and the design logo that has […]

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Solid SLA Project 811

New release 2019/06/25 Theoretical demonstration experiment 1 Possibility and observation of fluid control Attention A corporate name, the brand name, and the design logo that has been described are the trademarks or registered trademarks of each company. Biological Process System Technology Taiwan copyright(C)All rights reserved 2019.

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Project 808

New release 2019/06/25 Quick mold of 2.5 dimension model Fig No,01 Setting of cutting speed about 200mm/s and 27 second each parts Fig No,02 System is get 2 pcs of real size model Fig No,03 Laser was burn of cutting edge design. Fig No,04 Ready for mold Fig No,05 When finish then keep clean for […]

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Rapid Prototype Technology and metal Project 801

New release 2019/06/25 Fig No,01 HV-Camber with metal supply sub unit Fig No,02 Big-Camber for metal frame Z axis Fig No,03 Operation parts Fig No,04 Operation parts Attention A corporate name, the brand name, and the design logo that has been described are the trademarks or registered trademarks of each company. Biological Process System Technology […]

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Rapid Prototype Technology and GHG trouble

New release 2019/06/25 This 2 report is show as the problem of today’s society. Please read and understand it the you can find reason of “ Why Rapid Prototype Technology “. Our report of 2019.05.025 was show the relation with “ Carbon free technology “ and our project. When you will check then you can […]

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Tissue engineering Technology Project 816

New release 2019/06/24 Polymer synthesis method of N – isopropylacrylamide (AIBN) 1 N – isopropylacrylamide Commercial product was recrystallized from benzene / n – hexane solvent and dried under reduced pressure. 2 Azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) was commercially available by recrystallization from methanol and drying under reduced pressure. 3 Commercial products were used for hydroquinone and others […]

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Metal FDM Project 802

New release 2019/06/21 Project condition in company. Fig No,01 Test model Fig No,02 Test model for horizon stress Fig No,03 Test model for winding stress Fig No,04 Test model for vertical stress Fig No,05 Test model for building construction Metal FDM project is using many type of parts. And each one is cannot reuse because […]

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